Henllan Bakery


Henllan Bakery in Denbigh, North Wales asked us to help them develop a new business plan supporting a vision for growth, and investment in their factory.


We worked with Henllan to identify growth opportunities in existing and new markets. We analysed their business, building on strengths and addressing areas for improvement in their operations. This comprehensive plan is both strategic and practical; detailing forecasts, finances, investment plans, commercial and operational plans with timings and responsibilities, and a risk management plan.

In addition to developing the Henllan business plan, we also worked with their senior team to develop an application for grant funding from the Welsh Government.


We are pleased to say that Henllan had their grant application approved and are now working quickly to implement their business plan in full.

On the back of their plan and successful fund raising Henllan have expanded their production capacity, and improved efficiencies. This has allowed them to continue to grow their business and build distribution.

A fantastic outcome for a great business!


I feel you’ve played a huge part in the bakery’s progress with all the effort you’ve put in over the years in helping the company grow.​​ Thanks again for everything you’ve done.

Tom Moore


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